Ritz's Dream | Video & Photography
Solo exhibited in The Fifth Studio Exhibition Hall of GAFA
Dec. 2018

Ritz made a dream, and I love it, therefore it became my story.
The dreamer is talking to herself, and nobody can tell whether it's she in the mirror,
whether it's a dream or reality, dramatic. But the moment music stopped, the dream stopped,
I participated in the dreamer's dream and now I would like to show it to you.

5'35'' Length







Just leave? What am I waiting for?
Objectively speaking, people in the mirror is me,
there is no reason woolgather. I am here!
I must get out of here.
I am in the mirror!
I must leave, where is Jean-Claude and Maunel?
She is just like me, but she's dead.
I'd better calm down.


Background Music Credit
Diamanda Galas - Verrà La Morte E Avrà I Tuoi Occhi


Director: GAN Lu
Cast: TAN Lei
Special Thanks: SHEN Xiaotong, WANG Zhong


2666 - [Zhili] Roberto Bolaño (Chinese Translation) 2012 Published.